
Leo Laporte and Me At BlogWorld

I finally got to meet up with Leo again at Friday's BlogWorld after nine years. I met him before at the 1998 CES when TechTV was doing the broadcasts from their big studio booth. I'm glad I went then, as we all know what happened to TechTV.
It was nice seeing him at BlogWorld- the 'Cult of Blogging' seminar was under attended, the room was only half full, allowing him and Justine Ezarik to field more questions from the audience. I logged onto the ustream feed of the lecture and related questions from the ustream chat as people asked them.

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Leo Laporte Gives Opening Keynote

TV and radio veteran broadcaster Leo Laporte gave the opening keynote address to a standing room only crowd this morning. Speaking on the current state of content producing on the internet, he spoke of where he believed it was heading.
He is giving the 10:15 lecture on "The Cult of Blogging."
Oddly, attendance is so far rather sparse. Om Malik and Mike Arrington were supposed to co-chair the lecture, but were unable to attend.
I just met Leo Laporte at the Joint-Hard Rock Hotel. Not many people in pajamas...

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BlogWorld 2007 is underway at the Las Vegas Convention Center! Internet gurus John Chow, Darren Rouse, Matt Mullenweg are walking the show floor.

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